I attached two of your power cups to the back of the charging bracket for my Dust Buster, and freed up some valuable counter space !   Now it sits nice and solid on the side of my fridge.
We use the Key Ring magnet to keep our storeroom key in one place , and when I leave my office, I "hide" it somewhere, by sticking the magnet to the back of something, where it's out of site .
I use your T Handle when I am opening cans, It's great for wiggling off stubborn lids, and also for pressing and draining the can's contents.  It's easy to get the lid off of the magnet afterwards (cause it's real thin ?), you just have to be careful.  It holds up the kid's schedules on the fridge, when not in use (I think I need another one !)
I use duct tape to keep some magnets on the side of my Air Nailer's magazine.  They can hold spare strips, or different sized fasteners.

Somebody is making something interesting with magnets, at this very moment...
So Check Back Soon !

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